
Medicare Part B
Part B helps cover medically-necessary services like doctors’ services, outpatient care, home health services, and other medical services. Part B also covers some preventive services. Check your Medicare Card to find out if you have Part B.
You can not receive Physical Therapy at Campus Physical Therapy Center if you are receiving Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech, and/or Nursing services at your home through a Home Care Agency (Medicare Part A). Make sure that you request a discharge from Home Health Services prior to initiate Outpatient Physical Therapy. You can not receive both Part A and Part B simultaneously.

Medicare Crossover
Medicare Cross-Over is the process by which Medicare automatically forwards medical claims to your secondary insurance for processing. In effect, a Medicare recipient has one stop shopping for submitting medical claims and there is no need for you to file twice! That is, Medicare pays first, then claims are submitted electronically to your insurance company. That is, Medicare pays first, then claims are submitted electronically to your insurance company. Contact Medicare or your secondary insurance to learn how to enroll in Medicare Crossover. There is no cost for enrolling. Since your secondary insurance will receive claims electronically from Medicare, the claims payment cycle should be shortened. You should receive reimbursement faster!
If you don’t have a Medicare crossover, our office may charge the copayment and deductible directly to you. Doctors’ offices are required to file claims only with Medicare.
Further information can be obtained from Medicare Website:
Campus Physical Therapy Inc and Luis E Araneda, DPT are a Medicare part B provider.